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CSO FfD Forum Joint Statement

16 July, 2015
Members of more than 600 civil society organizations and networks from around the world engaged in the process leading up to and including the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (Addis Ababa, July 13-16 2015), convened a CSO Forum in advance of the conference which produced a joint statement that was endorsed by all, including PSI.

We, members of more than 600 civil society organizations and networks from around the world that have been engaged in the process leading up to and including the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (Addis Ababa, July 13-16 2015), convened a CSO Forum in advance of the conference. We have the following reflections and recommendations to convey to the Member States of the United Nations and the international community.

Addis Ababa CSO FfD Forum Declaration – 12 July 2015

Representatives of the CSO FfD Group delivered an abridged version of the Declaration in the opening segment of the July 13 afternoon session of the FfD Plenary. Please find below the CSO Statement:

CSO Statement to FfD Plenary – 13 July 2015

… "Essential public services that implicate States’ duties to guarantee the human rights to water and sanitation, education, and health should be excluded from private sector partnerships. Traditional public procurement, that meets administrativeefficiency and public accountability criteria, should remain the preferred route for involving the private sector in infrastructure financing. Where promoted, Public-Private Partnerships should be conditional on feasibility and auditing criteria and should include safeguards to ensure transparency; the affordability, accessibility and quality of the services and sustainable infrastructure that they are expected to deliver and prevention of unsustainable debt burdens

For more information on PSI's activities at the FFD3 see:


Also see