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Medical and Health Workers' Union of Nigeria (MHWUN)

Africa & Arab countries (AF)
AF: English-speaking Central, East and West Africa

Amalg. Union Pub. Corp., Civil Serv., Tech. and Recr. Employees (AUPCTREGS)

Africa & Arab countries (AF)
AF: English-speaking Central, East and West Africa

Nigeria Civil Service Union (NCSU)

Africa & Arab countries (AF)
AF: English-speaking Central, East and West Africa

Nigeria Union of Local Government Employees (NULGE)

Africa & Arab countries (AF)
AF: English-speaking Central, East and West Africa

Ghana: West African Health Sector Unions Network meeting

28 January, 2014 to 30 January, 2014

From 28-30 January 2014, PSI affiliates from Burkina, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone who form the West African Health Sector Unions Network (WAHSUN) met in Accra, Ghana.

Workshop: Deepening collaboration to promote the delivery of quality health care

15 January, 2014 to 16 January, 2014

The West African Health Sector Unions’ Network (WAHSUN) in collaboration with the Public Services International (PSI) held a 2-day workshop in the Garki district of Abuja, Nigeria, on 15-16 January 2014.

Nurses' Forum

20 January 2014

Education support and cultural workers

15 January 2014

Public Services International affiliates represent hundreds of thousands of educational support workers throughout the world, many of who work without job security, fair compensation and benefits, or recognition that their services are vital to ensuring high quality public education for all citizens. The jobs of support workers are on the frontlines of the privatization and casualization struggle within the education sector, and many of these workers face challenges in pursuing their basic freedom to form a union and collectively bargain their terms and conditions of service. More information

Nigeria power sector privatisation: unionists sacked

08 January 2014

Trade union officials working for the Nigerian power sector have been sacked as part of the privatisation plans of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN).