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Violence against trade union leadership continues in Guatemala

Melvy Lizeth Camey Rojas, Secretary General of the Department of Santa Rosa in Guatemala has had her life threatened a second time (October 2013).

Latest update: On October 11, Juan Jose Ortiz, SNTSG member and Financial Secretary of the Health Centre of Barberena Santa Rosa, was kidnapped on his way to the city centre. For more than 24 hours he was held captive, threatened and tortured. On 12 October, he was bundled into a car for a short drive, his eyes were then uncovered and he was left in the centre of Barberena. Mr Ortiz does not remember much of what happened; he was apparently drugged and received cigarette burns on his eyelids and eyebrows. He fears for his life and that of his family.

Members of PSI delegation to Guatemala

Reports: Solidarity mission to Guatemala

15 Oct 2013

A compilation of reports by members of the PSI international delegation of trade union leaders who met with Guatemala’s President and leading ministers on August 13-14, 2013.

Media release: New attacks and death threats against union members in Guatemala

11 October 2013

Public Services International is calling on Guatemala’s President to take urgent action to protect trade unionists, in response to what appear to be coordinated attacks on PSI affiliate members this week. PSI is further calling on trade unions around the world to lobby their national governments to withdraw from any trade deals with Guatemala until the escalating reign of terror marked by the murders and intimidation of union members is ended. Workers who expose cases of corruption by elected and military officials, or simply advocate for their legal rights to fair wages and working conditions are being systematically targeted.

PSI Delegation to Guatemala

PSI Report: Conclusions and recommendations - Guatemala

10 Oct 2013

This report presents the main conclusions of the PSI solidarity mission to Guatemala and proposes a way forward.


26 September 2013

Corruption is one of the sicknesses of our society. PSI believes that one of the best alternatives to austerity and cuts to public spending is to seriously fight against corruption. We also link this new PSI campaign against corruption to the fight for global tax justice.

Workers in Guatemala must be protected when they speak out

04 September 2013
Rosa Pavanelli, PSI General Secretary

Equal Times editorial by Rosa Pavanelli, PSI General Secretary:

Public Services International (PSI) led an international trade union delegation to meet with Guatemalan government leaders on 13-14 August, 2013. "We went to Guatemala to convey the international support of public services workers for PSI affiliate members in this country, and to emphasize that the global trade union movement is focused on addressing the dire situation for workers in Guatemala."

Audio: Anne-Marie Perret

29 August 2013

A starting point for justice in Guatemala

20 August 2013

A high-level international delegation of trade union leaders has gained a commitment from Guatemala’s President that he will publicly speak out about the need to respect and protect the lives of union members and to recognize the crucial role of public service workers in forming a democratic society.

Presentation by PSI General Secretary to the President of Guatemala

14 Aug 2013

For PSI, defending the rights of our affiliate trade union members in Guatemala is our top priority – and it will remain so until the situation for trade unionists and workers in this country improves.