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Rosa Pavanelli in the Press Conference

Speech by PSI leader to Guatemalan President

27 Mar 2014

Speech by Rosa Pavanelli, PSI General Secretary, to Otto Pérez Molina, President of Guatemala on 27 March 2014

Rosa Pavanelli - FNL Congress

Speech: PSI leader addresses FNL Congress in Guatemala

31 Mar 2014

PSI leader Rosa Pavanelli made a keynote address to the Congress of the Frente Nacional de Lucha (FNL) the rapidly growing people's movement in Guatemala that includes many PSI affiliate union members. Some 11,000 people attended this historic event on the last weekend of March 2014.

Social protection floors

30 March 2014

Today, as much as 80 per cent of the global population does not have access to social protection and lives in social insecurity, facing complete loss of income when a personal or national economic crisis strikes. Social Protection was pushed to the fore of the international agenda after the obvious damage due to the financial and economic crises, and a 2012 ILO Recommendation operationalizes Social Protection Floors as two-pronged, providing universal access to essential health care and basic income security in the case of maternity, for children and when people are sick, unemployed, disabled, and old. Read more>>>

Rosa Pavanelli at Press Conference in Guatemala

PSI mission to Guatemala March 2014

26 Mar 2014

Public Services International returns to Guatemala in March 2014.

Here is the 2014 PSI report in English and Spanish on the trade union rights and solidarity mission.

PSI mission to Guatemala

26 March 2014

A PSI international delegation has returned to Guatemala in March 2014 to follow-up on the trade union rights and solidarity mission made in August 2013.

PSI Inter-American Regional Women’s Committee and Regional Executive Committee (IAMREC)

26 March, 2014 to 28 March, 2014

Please note that the documents for this meeting are available to members of the IAMREC only. To view and download them you will need to login with the username and password provided by PSI.

PSI follow-up mission to Guatemala

24 March, 2014 to 28 March, 2014

A PSI international delegation returned to Guatemala in March 2014 to follow-up on the trade union rights and solidarity mission made in August 2013.

Sindicato Órgano Legislativo (STOL)

Inter-Americas (IA)
IA: Central America and Mexico

Sindicato Solidaridad Trabajo y Justicia de los Trabajadores del Organismo Judicial (SOLTRAJ)

Inter-Americas (IA)
IA: Central America and Mexico

Sindicato Nacional de los Trabajadores de Salud de Guatemala (SNTSG)

Inter-Americas (IA)
IA: Central America and Mexico