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7 April - Time for Universal Public Health Care

5 Apr 2019

Health is a human right. The 2019 World Health Day (WHD) is an opportunity to advocate for every woman, man and child to have access to quality public health.

International Labour Conference 108th Session (Geneva)

10 June, 2019 to 21 June, 2019

ETUC Congress (Vienna)

21 May, 2019 to 24 May, 2019

30th National Congress of Kommunal​ (Stockholm)

20 May, 2019 to 22 May, 2019

ITUC, ETUC & ETUI - Conference on the Future of Work (Brussels)

15 April, 2019 to 16 April, 2019

EPSU 50th Standing Committee on Health and Social Services

24 March 2019
Jan Willem Goudriaan, EPSU General Secretary

The European Federation of Public Service Unions Standing Committee on Health and Social Services (EPSU SC HSS) held its 50th statutory meeting on 27 February at the International Trade Union House, Brussels. Speaking during the course of the meeting, the EPSU General Secretary, Jan Willem Goudriaan noted that this marks a milestone in the history of EPSU.

The Long Term Plan for the NHS in England

24 March 2019
Health staff discuss the long term plan with UK Prime Minister Theresa May

The UK National Health Service has just published its latest plan for how the NHS in England should be organised over the next five years and beyond. This 136-page document represents a vision of a future health service that is based more on treating patients outside of hospitals, with a larger role for new digital technology and, in theory at least, a much smaller role for market competition.

France: Let's talk about staffing again

24 March 2019
Paramedics and healthcare staff

French union CFDT Santé Sociaux (health and social services) decided to continue with the survey on staffing for paramedics and healthcare staff it initiated in 2017. General Secretary Eve Rescanières explains that this annual barometer is part of the roadmap that the federation has set itself in terms of investment in European bodies and international trade union involvement.