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PSI is represented in Europe by the European Federation of Public Service Unions, based in Brussels. For more on our activities in this region, please see the EPSU website

You can also view a list of European affiliates or contact European regional offices

PSI addresses the 33rd Federal Congress of CFDT Santé Sociaux

29 November 2017
Baba Aye gives his speech at the CFDT Santé Sociaux congress in Vannes

The 33rd Federal Congress of the French health sector affiliate, CFDT Santé Sociaux, was held on 21-24 November 2017 at Vannes, in the North-West of the country. It was a moment for deliberation between the leadership and militants of the union towards building stronger union and its perspective that health workers constitute invaluable assets for the delivery of quality health care services.

At the Vatican, Pavanelli speaks about the contributions of the Laudato si' from the perspective of the workers' movement

24 November 2017

On 24 November, PSI's General Secretary took part in an international meeting of trade union organisations on the theme "Labor and the workers' movement at the center of a humane, integral, inclusive and sustainable development – why is the world of work still the key to development in the global world?

PSI promoting social dialogue through the Global Deal

23 November 2017
Prime Minister of Sweden, Stefan Löfven

PSI has recently joined the Global Deal as part of its commitment to promoting social dialogue as a means for tackling inequality, ensuring workers’ rights and creating the foundations for peace and stability.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

23 November 2017

“Stopping violence against women is everyone’s responsibility and men must play their part” stated Dave Prentis, PSI President, as his initial words at the PSI Congress 2017’s Pledge to end Violence against Women. Lead by Greg McLean from Australia, public services male trade unionists pledged in Geneva to be key actors in this struggle, in of one of the most emblematic acts of political engagement of public services unions.

Paradise Papers: how mega-rich tax dodgers rip off workers and fuel populism

16 November 2017

Check out this Op-Ed from PSI's Director of Policy & Governance, Daniel Bertossa, on how tax dodgers like those exposed in the Paradise Papers are ripping off workers!

Pledge to #EndVaw

03 November 2017

On Friday 3rd November, Congress male participants made a pledge to end Violence against Women.

Municipal workers: the invisible, underpaid people who run our cities

31 October 2017

Millions of staff clean our streets and keep our cities moving. It’s time to recognise their contribution to the everyday fabric of our urban lives